2. Prof. Chuanwei Zhang and collaborators published a paper on Nature Physics
Many-body Dynamical Delocalization in a Kicked Ultracold Gas
Nature Physics (2022)
News and Views, Kicked rotors back in action, by Jakub Zakrzewski, Nature Physics (2022)
1. UTD news published a news story about our NSF ExpandQISE grant
New NSF Grant To Advance Quantum Research, Education at UT Dallas
1. Prof. Chuanwei Zhang and collaborators published a paper on Nature Physics
Excitonic Insulator in Heterojunction Moiré Superlattice
See news report from Physics World: Excitonic insulators are created in moiré superlattices
From Evidence of excitonic insulators in moiré superlattices
2. Prof. Fan Zhang and collaborators published an article on Nature.
Quantum cascade of new correlated phases in trigonally warped bilayer graphene
see news report on Science Daily
Unexpected quantum effects in natural double-layer graphene
3. Prof. Fan Zhang and collaborators published an article on Nature Materials.
Evidence of a room-temperature quantum spin Hall edge state in a higher-order topological insulator.
4. Prof. Chuanwei Zhang and collaborators published an article on Nature Communications.
Tuning Moiré Excitons and Correlated Electronic States through Layer Degree of Freedom,
Nature Communications 13, 4810 (2022)
5. Profs. Chuanwei Zhang, Shengwang Du, Michael Kolodrubetz and collaborators received $5M grant from NSF to expand quantum information science and engineering program at UTD.
NSF award: ExpandQISE: Track 2: Neutral Atom Based Quantum Information Processing
6. Profs. Shengwang Du, Chuanwei Zhang, and collaborators received $1M grant from NSF for developing optical neural network at UTD.
1. Prof. Chuanwei Zhang and Shengwang Du work published a paper on Phys. Rev. Lett. on quantum sensing
Quantum squeezing and sensing with pseudo anti-parity-time symmetry
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 173602 (2022).
2. Prof. Fan Zhang and collaborators published an article in Nature.
Intelligent infrared sensing enabled by tunable moiré quantum geometry.
selected for News & Views “A detector that can learn the fingerprint of light”
Acoustic Möbius insulators from projective symmetry.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 116803 (2022).
2. Dr. Junpeng Hou (PhD 08/2021) received UTD David Daniel Thesis Award
2. Prof. Fan Zhang and Colleagues’ paper “Quantum anomalous Hall octet driven by orbital magnetism in bilayer graphene” was published in Nature
1. Prof. Shengwang Du, Prof. Chuanwei Zhang, and Colleagues received a $1.2M grant from Department of Energy
2. Prof. Chuanwei Zhang and colleagues’ paper “Nonlinear dynamics in a synthetic momentum state lattice” was selected as Editors’ Suggestions by Physical Review Letters
1. Prof. Chuanwei Zhang received a grant from National Science Foundation
2. Prof. Shengwang Du received a grant from National Science Foundation
3. Dr. Junpeng Hou, a graduate student of Prof. Chuanwei Zhang, successfully defended his PhD thesis. He will join Facebook Research in September.