Quantum Information Science Initiative

UT Dallas Quantum Information Science Initiative

The quest for novel and powerful information processing technology has been one major driving force in the development of modern science and engineering. It is therefore not surprising that quantum information is emerging as a new research frontier that could potentially revolutionize computing, communication, security, electronics and sensing by utilizing the unique and powerful capabilities of quantum mechanics. The power of quantum computing comes from replacing classical bits (0s and 1s) by quantum bits (qubits), which can be in arbitrary superpositions of 0 and 1 and thus allow simultaneous processing of huge amounts of information. Using suitable algorithms to manipulate this quantum state, quantum computers can solve certain classically hard problems exponentially faster than classical computers; for instance, they can factor large numbers, which immediately breaks the RSA encryption used in emails and credit card transactions. We are now at the precipice of an important new era, where small size quantum computers with 50-100 qubits are gradually becoming an accessible experimental technology. Promising applications, ranging from quantum machine learning and protein folding to inherently quantum problems such as quantum chemistry and quantum dynamics, are under active investigation.

Furthermore, the search for novel quantum computing technology is inevitable due to the saturation of Moore’s law for classical computers, as transistors become so small that quantum effects become unavoidable. In response to strong international competition in the development of quantum computers, US government agencies and industrial companies have prioritized research on quantum information science and engineering (QISE), which is widely expected to eventually impact the economy, industry, and national security. For instance, in 2018 the White House has developed a national strategic overview on quantum information science and US government has started the National Quantum Initiative Act, which put quantum information research in the national spotlight. Big corporations such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Intel have joined the race for building the first commercially available small size quantum computers and venture capitalists have invested in startups such as D-wave, IonQ, and Rigetti.

On the academic side, many universities have started to increase their research efforts in response to these expanded research and funding opportunities. The goal of Quantum Information Science Initiative in the Department of Physics at UT Dallas is to establish a platform for our quantum information researchers to share our research progress, build up research collaboration, attract potential graduate and undergraduate students to this exciting field, and educate next generation quantum workforce.